Child Custody and Visitation

Protecting the most vulnerable members of your family
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Child Custody And Visitation Attorney In Walnut Creek, California

Finding Resolution In Difficult Times

Amid a divorce, disagreements about child custody and visitation often become the toughest to resolve. As parents strive relentlessly to obtain the custody setup they believe is just, emotions can reach a boiling point. Complicating matters further, custody also determines which parent is obligated to pay child support and the exact sum. Colliss‎ Law APC, seasoned Family Law attorney's based in California, are here to accompany you on this journey, poised to help you attain the resolution you're seeking.

Contact Colliss‎ Law APC to schedule a consultation with a lawyer today. 925-255-7455

Experienced Guidance, Whatever Your Journey

There's no question, navigating disputes between parents regarding child custody and visitation arrangements can be incredibly challenging. When concerns about our children's safety emerge, or when it seems that valuable time or rightful payments are being taken from us, it's a deeply distressing experience. Yet, no matter your individual circumstances, our firm in California, can provide the assistance you need.

Fighting For Your Best Interest

Your situation is as unique as you are, but our firm Colliss‎ Law APC, in California is equipped with the knowledge and practical know-how to handle all kinds of child custody and visitation matters. We are in your corner every step of the way, whether it's negotiations or litigation, ready to go above and beyond to give you the best chance of success. If you want to discuss your case with one of your professional attorney's, don't hesitate to contact us today. We would be more than happy to assist you and your family in finding peace.

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